Hand and Foot is similar to Rummy or Gin but first you play your hand 10 cards then your foot another 10 cards you and your partner will play and […]
Lets play Bingo Let's play Bingo Please bring a snack to share and have some fun.
oplus_32 Silent Auction items benefiting the Sinto Roof Fund. This basket is up for auction till April 11,2025 at the Easter Luncheon. Please stop by the center and place your […]
Monthly Double Deck Pinochle Tournament. Don't have a partner it is okay we do have a few extra players we can call but please contact Leanne Titus if you are […]
Bring in your Craft projects to the center and work with other members. We also have fabric to use if you need some practice. These ladies would love to have […]
This class is taught by one of our members Nancy Huck and meets on Tuesday and Thursday Mornings. Bring a Yoga mat, water bottle and some light weights.