Ponderosa Bar & Grill

Let's enjoy some Great Soup, Salad and Sandwiches. Cost is $8.00 for members and $13.00 for non-members  Departure is 3:00 PM and return is 6:00 PM.

Event Series Hand & Foot

Hand & Foot

Hand and Foot is similar to Rummy or Gin but first you play your hand 10 cards then your foot another 10 cards you and your partner will play and […]


Craft Fair

Sinto's Fall Craft fair is here come shop multiple vendors, and shop at the Final Garage Sale of 2024. There will be food items for Sale both days and other […]

Quilt Raffle

oplus_32 The ladies of our Quilting and Crafters group have made this beautiful quilt for the Raffle.  This was made from donated fabric and of course lots of Love.  Tickets […]

Craft Fair

Sinto's Fall Craft fair is here come shop multiple vendors, and shop at the Final Garage Sale of 2024. There will be food items for Sale both days and other […]

Event Series Yoga Tuesday Thursday


This class is taught by one of our members Nancy Huck and meets on Tuesday and Thursday Mornings.   Bring a Yoga mat, water bottle and some light weights.