Lets play Bingo
Lets play Bingo Let's play Bingo Please bring a snack to share and have some fun.
Lets play Bingo Let's play Bingo Please bring a snack to share and have some fun.
monthly breakfast pdf Come join us for a variety of Breakfast items. The menu changes monthly check the Newsletter for the Menu.
We are headed to the Southside Community Center for a little friendly competition.
Bingo Let's Play Bingo
Ham on Regal We will be attending the 62nd Annual Ham on Regal Show. This is put on by a group of Parents, Alumni and other volunteers to help support the programs at Joel E Ferris High School. There is a cost of $5.00 for the bus tickets are free for this show only but […]
Bring in your Craft projects to the center and work with other members. We also have fabric to use if you need some practice. These ladies would love to have join them it doesn't need to be just sewing we will set you up a table to work on.
This class is taught by one of our members Nancy Huck and meets on Tuesday and Thursday Mornings. Bring a Yoga mat, water bottle and some light weights.
Looking for a group of Cloggers to join these ladies are great. If you would like more information about this group please contact Jan at 509-290-0245
time of your life photos